Global Green Connect Announced New Partnerships @ SWITCH
- GGC and SDAX will jointly develop training programmes to empower asset owners and investors in sustainable finance
Global Green Connect (GGC) announced new partnerships @ Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology (SWITCH) with SDAX and ESGTech to accelerate sustainability integration by offering sustainable finance training and a digital ESG reporting tool respectively. The partnership signing ceremony, that also involved Nanyang Technological University (NTU), was witnessed by Low Yen Ling, Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry & Ministry of Culture, Community and
GGC and SDAX will jointly develop training programmes to empower asset owners and investors in
sustainable finance. GGC and ESGTech will partner to provide a digital ESG reporting tool for privately
owned companies for training and reporting purposes. “We are excited to partner with both innovative
technology companies, SDAX & ESGTech, to accelerate capital flow and ESG integration through our
sustainability training. I believe such collaboration will help businesses to improve ESG performance and
access sustainable finance’, said Christina Lee, Founder & CEO of GGC.
GGC and SDAX have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to launch the sustainable finance
training programme to serve SDAX’s stakeholders and a wider base of finance professionals, both locally
and regionally. Together this provides three key pillars of sustainable finance: Sustainable Technology
(NTU), ESG Reporting (ESGTech) and Sustainable Finance (SDAX). The strategic partnership with SDAX
brings on board its sustainable finance expertise and understanding of investors’ and asset owners’
“With the increasing scrutiny of ESG in recent months, it has become an imperative for us to exercise
rigorous financial stewardship in our investments and business strategies. With the training that we will
conduct in strategic partnership with GGC, we aim to educate a new perspective for investors, partners
and all other ecosystem stakeholders in adopting a more rigorous standard in practicing ESG principles
towards sustainable finance,” said Raymond Poh, CEO of SDAX.